Articles | Volume 4, issue 1
Research article
17 Feb 2017
Research article |  | 17 Feb 2017

Detection systems for antibody responses against herpes B virus

Stefan Pöhlmann, Astrid Krüger, Wali Hafezi, Stefan Schneider, Jens Gruber, Michael Winkler, and Artur Kaul


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Short summary
Transmission of macaque herpes B virus (BV) to humans can induce severe disease. Therefore, diagnostic tests for detecting BV infection are needed. Here, we show that antigens of BV-related non-human primate herpes viruses allow for the detection of antibodies elicited against BV with a higher sensitivity than antigens of human herpes simplex viruses (HSV). Moreover, we provide evidence that using recombinant viral glycoproteins may allow us to discriminate antibody responses against BV and HSV.