Articles | Volume 6, issue 1
Research article
18 Apr 2019
Research article |  | 18 Apr 2019

Is Colobus guereza gallarum a valid endemic Ethiopian taxon?

Dietmar Zinner, Dereje Tesfaye, Nils C. Stenseth, Afework Bekele, Aemro Mekonnen, Steve Doeschner, Anagaw Atickem, and Christian Roos


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Short summary
Ethiopia is well-known for its high biodiversity and endemism. Among these endemics are two putative subspecies of the guereza: Colobus guereza guereza and C. g. gallarum. Our molecular study supports the two-subspecies hypothesis, making C. g. gallarum an Ethiopian endemic taxon. In combination with its very restricted range, C. g. gallarum is most likely one of the most endangered subspecies of black-and-white colobus.