Articles | Volume 2, issue 1
Short communication
12 Jun 2015
Short communication |  | 12 Jun 2015

Dry season drinking from terrestrial man-made watering holes in arboreal wild Temminck's red colobus, The Gambia

A. P. Hillyer, R. Armstrong, and A. H. Korstjens

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Cited articles

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Short summary
Terrestrial drinking is not normally reported for arboreal primates. Here we report observations of terrestrial drinking from man-made watering holes by Temminck’s red colobus (Piliocolobus badius temminckii) at two sites in The Gambia. Our observations show that shallow man-made watering holes, not harbouring predators, were used by different age classes. The implications of this behaviour for this endangered subspecies and the trend of increasing temperatures in The Gambia are discussed.